
What title can I use?

As a graduate of the Duke Integrative Health Coach Professional Training, you may continue to use Integrative Health Coach or Health Coach in your title. If you would like to use Duke Health & Well-Being, we have included some options below.  

As a reminder, although you may use the Duke name when discussing your training, please do not use the Duke name in a way that implies you are employed, supported, endorsed, or sponsored by Duke.  

Below are some examples of correct and incorrect references depending on your current certification

For Foundation Course graduates:

YESThis is OK:

  • Integrative Health Coach, Trained at Duke IM or Health & Well-Being Coach, Trained at Duke Health
  • Duke IM Trained Integrative Health Coach or Duke Health Trained Health & Well-Being Coach
  • Graduate of the Duke IM Integrative Health Coach Professional Training Program

NO This is not OK: 

  • Duke Integrative Health Coach
  • Duke IM Integrative Health Coach

For those who have also completed the IHCPT Certification course, you may further distinguish yourself by adding “Certified” to your title. Here are some examples of that. 

This is OK for Certified Coaches: 

  • Certified Integrative Health Coach, Trained at Duke IM or 
  • Certified Health & Well-Being Coach, Trained at Duke Health & Well-Being 
  • Integrative Health Coach, Certified by Duke IM or 
  • Health & Well-Being Coach, Certified by Duke Health & Well-Being 
  • Duke IM Trained Certified Integrative Health Coach or
  • Duke Health & Well-Being Coach Certified 
  • Certified Graduate of the Duke IM Integrative Health Coach Professional Training Program or
  • Certified Graduate of the Duke Health & Well-Being Professional Coach Training 

If a participant represents that they are currently affiliated with Duke in any way, Duke Health & Well-Being can revoke that title at their sole discretion. 

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