
Edie Webb Oakley

Founder, Oakley Integrative Health

Certified Integrative Health Coach, 2010

Edie’s clients include young female professionals and entrepreneurs, as well as long-time veterans of the corporate world. She provides one-on-one coaching, collaborates with other Certified Integrative Health Coaches to host and lead wellness retreats, and leads writing workshops for Integrative Health Coaches. She is currently piloting a coaching module for teens.

Edie is inspired by the growth of her clients as they discover who they are and align their vision and values with their life’s work. Her clients gain confidence and are empowered to take the necessary steps forward to create the story they want to tell in the world. The impact of coaching has a ripple effect on the people around them. These women are already leaders in their field; yet when they begin to value self-care and wellness in their own lives, they also begin to value it in the lives of their employees, co-workers, and clients.

Edie’s motto in her coaching is, ‘Do for one what I wish I could do for all.’ That is how she sees coaching—making changes in one life at a time.

Client Quote:
“I started working with Edie right before I graduated from college. The transition from being a lifetime student to working a full-time job and being completely independent may be one of the most challenging processes any of us go through in our lives. The tools that I learned through coaching with Edie supported me to successfully transition into adulthood.

These tools have also become the key to success in my professional life. I now professionally consult with entrepreneurs across the country. Just as Integrative Health Coaching has taught me to identify and respect my values in my personal life, I have been able to encourage my professional clients to do the same.”

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