
Nourish: Fundamentals of Medical Weight Management

About the Course

Based on 50 years of research and a deep understanding of what it takes to manage weight, experts from Duke Health & Well-Being have created Nourish: Fundamentals of Medical Weight Management. It is designed for anyone who wants insight on how to change eating habits, improve exercise routines, and adopt a healthier lifestyle to meet wellness goals.

  • Between May 24 and June 30, 2024, Duke Health and Well-Being is offering this state-of-the-art online program for only $199.00 (a $26.00 discount) for all community members.
  • When registering, use coupon NourishSpring2024.
  • During May 24 and June 30, 2024, Duke Health and Well-Being is offering this state-of-the-art online program for only $180.00 (a $45.00 employee-only discount) to Duke employees and retirees. 
  • When registering, use coupon PERQsNourishSpring2024.

What You’ll Learn

This self-paced online course will help you understand how to set and achieve realistic health goals, overcome setbacks, and create the right mindset for long-term lifestyle changes that lead to successful weight management. It combines academic research and real-life insights from doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, behavioral therapists, and other health professionals.

At the end of the course, you will be ready to:

  • Set realistic health goals and identify your motivations to achieve those goals
  • Describe the difference between short-term weight loss actions and long-term lifestyle changes
  • Overcome setbacks and identify what brings you joy and what creates stress
  • Recognize the roles of nutrition, exercise, mental health, and medical care in weight management and when to seek those resources

Learn More

The comprehensive course costs $225. You’ll receive access to the course materials for one year after you register.

Expert Insight on All Areas of Wellness

Through four interactive online modules, we share ways to grow and support your own well-being. Nourish: Fundamentals of Weight Management brings you the latest research and wellness strategies to educate and support you through your weight management journey. At each step, you will be encouraged to journal your own ideas, insights, and experiences to help guide changes.

Here are some of the things you will take away from each part of the Nourish: Fundamentals of Medical Weight Management course:

  • Introduction to Medical Weight Management
    • Learn to think critically about health goals
    • Practice a mindset focused on lifestyle change
    • Apply tips for weight loss and/or weight management
  • Nurturing Nutrition: Your Secret Weapon for Better Health
    • Better understand how nutrition is a part of your life
    • Understand how diet can promote your pursuit of wellness
    • Learn about research on vitamins, minerals, fat, carbs, sugar, and more
  • Focusing on Fitness: Why Physical Fitness is Key to Health
    • Recognize how you can use fundamentals of fitness to live a healthier life
    • Identify ways to increase your cardiovascular levels, strength, flexibility, and balance
    • Build an exercise program that improves health and increases metabolism
  • The Essential Mindset Shift: Well-Being and Self-Care
    • Hear about behaviors that are key to successful self-care
    • Practice stress reduction techniques
    • Find services, resources, and programs that can help you with mental and emotional well-being

After you complete all four modules, you’ll receive a PDF of all your journal entries and instructions for how to incorporate changes into your life.

On-Demand Access for One Year

Once you’re registered, you have access to the course and materials for one year and are able to revisit content as much as you’d like, on your own time.

Accommodation Statement

Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations or who have questions about physical access should contact us in advance of the course.

Continuing Education Credits Available

NBHWC - Approved CE - Seal_3 (3)The National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC): This course is an NBHWC-Approved Continuing Education course. Those who successfully complete all the course modules and requirements will earn a Certificate of Completion and National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) Continuing Education Credits. The National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching designates this course for 4 credit hours.

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