
What if I miss a class?

Please be sure to arrange your schedule as best you can to minimize the chance you may miss a session.

If you need to miss a session, you are not able to attend that session with another class but you will have access to reading and materials online that will keep you up to speed until you are able to rejoin your class the following week.  You may also feel free to check in with your instructor if you have any questions about the missed week in class.

The Day of Mindfulness session that occurs during your course is the only one included with your registration fee.  If you are not able to attend the Day of Mindfulness with your class, but have attended 8 of the sessions in total, we provide “alumni” of previous MBSR classes the opportunity to register for any future Day of Mindfulness event for a small registration fee, as a way to maintain their practice and stay connected with the community.

If you know in advance that you must miss more than two sessions, we recommend that you consider waiting to taking the course at another time.

If you have an unpredictable schedule due to home or work life and may miss several in-person sessions unexpectedly, you may also consider registering instead for an MBSR Distance Learning course if this would enable you to attend more consistently.

Wheel of Health

Learn More about the Wheel of Health!Duke WOH

COVID-19 Precautions

Please review the Duke Health & Well-Being COVID-19 Safety Precautions.

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