
Wheel of Health

In today’s fast-paced and increasingly complex world, medical science and the evolution of unique models for health care are bringing us closer to truly personalized medicine. Given these evolving trends, the need for a comprehensive and dynamically responsive plan for your health is even more important. For this reason we want to help you create personalized health plans that are as responsive to your current health needs as they are adaptable to your future health. Assess Your Well-Being with the Wheel ...

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Health & Well-Being Smarts

Take a break and enhance your health and well-being knowledge with a webinar hosted by our highly experienced Duke Health and Well-Being experts. Following Duke Health and Well-Being’s Wheel of Health, Health and Well-Being Smarts is a webinar program that discusses and reviews the most up-to-date recommendations regarding the different interconnected and interrelated components of whole-person health and well-being. Upcoming Dates and Deadlines Health and Well-Being Smarts webinar recordings will be available for purchase in Fall 2024.

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About the Duke Health & Well-Being Coach Training

The DHWCT curriculum will cover the following topics:

  • The role of health & well-being coaching in the transformation of healthcare.
  • Research on the efficacy of health & well-being coaching.
  • Patient-Centered Care, the Wheel of Health (WOH), and Personalized Health Planning as they relate to health & well-being coaching.
  • Healthy Lifestylee-learning Curriculum:  Designed to provide

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Integrative Health Coaching Foundation Course

Integrative Health Coaching Foundation Course

What is Integrative Health Coaching? Integrative Health Coaching empowers clients to make lasting behavior changes that are the foundation for a lifetime of well-being.  An Integrative Health Coach can help people find ways to successfully implement healthy lifestyle behaviors into their lives. How do I become an Integrative Health Coach? Duke Integrative Medicine offers two courses to train you as an Integrative Health Coach.  All participants start with our Foundation Course, focusing on core competencies of Integrative Health Coaching.  Following the Foundation Course, ...

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What content will be covered in the training?

The DHWCT includes instructor-led training with skills practice and online learning components (web-based trainings and video demonstrations) to enhance the course curriculum. It provides extensive training in the core competencies required of Health & Well0Being Coaches. The curriculum will cover the following topics:

  • The role of health & well-being coaching in the transformation of healthcare
  • Research on the efficacy of health & well-being coaching
  • Patient-centered care, the Wheel of Health (WOH), and personalized health planning as they relate to health

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