
Glenn Sabin

Faculty: Thought Leadership Course, Leadership Program

In the early 1990s, Glenn Sabin began to develop a comprehensive and highly individualized approach to managing his chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)–a disease his doctors said was incurable and would eventually take his life. Today, Glenn is alive and thriving and he has achieved a complete, medically documented remission of his CLL without conventional treatments.

Glenn’s remarkable case has been chronicled by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute oncologist Lee M. Nadler, MD, Dean for Clinical and Translational Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and his local Johns Hopkins oncologist Bruce R. Kressel, MD.

To say Glenn’s 1991 diagnosis was life-altering would be an understatement. It changed the trajectory of his life and career. Not only has Glenn overcome his cancer and become a staunch advocate of evidence-based, integrative medicine, in 2009 he sold his media and marketing company to launch FON Consulting–a business that supports integrative health and medicine enterprises and helps to accelerate their growth.

A past board member of The Society for Integrative Oncology and an author, speaker and collaborator, Glenn is a respected thought leader who works with passion and dedication to advance the field of integrative oncology. He currently serves on the data and safety monitoring board for a trial investigating a natural product for prostate cancer conducted by Johns Hopkins, and acts as an adviser to the Network of Enigmatic Exceptional Responders (NEER) study, led by Harvard’s Department of Biomedical Informatics.

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