
Jessica Ahlum

CEO and Certified Integrative Health Coach, Health Impacts

Certified Integrative Health Coach, 2016

Trained in psychotherapy, Jessica uses what she learned in her training at Duke Integrative Medicine to transition from a strict clinical mindset to one of true behavior change. Jessica’s clients are executives, human resource professionals, and entrepreneurs working to create more balance and intention in their health behaviors.

Through coaching Jessica provides her clients with tools for ongoing self-assessment to help them focus on priorities as they progress toward mindful living and healthier behavior patterns. Jessica’s practice is dedicated to transforming her clients’ non-optimal behavioral patterns and negative thinking.

“I recently gave a presentation on Behavior Change in 5 Steps, which utilizes a worksheet I have created to help people understand how to manage the triggers that draw them away from their optimal health outcomes. The presentation was being observed by the head of the organization’s human resources director who, after the presentation, invited me to share it with her HR association. Unlike many other speakers, leadership trainers, and educators she has heard, the information I shared was unique in how it provided a simple, step by step method to manage the interpersonal conflicts that arise in the HR role. I was thrilled to have been recognized as having something unique, powerful and effective to continue sharing with my community and beyond.”

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