
Valued-Based Care

Who typically registers for your course?

This course is designed for healthcare organizations and individual primary care physicians, specialty physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and certified clinical nurse specialists who are providing preventive health visits.

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What course content will be covered?

Value-Based Care: Making The Most of the Affordable Care Act is designed to help you:

  • Increase patient engagement
  • Accurately execute and document preventive visits
  • Optimize reimbursement or relative value units (RVU) credits
This online course consists of five training modules covering evidence-based strategies to increase patient engagement, Center for Medicare Services (CMS) preventive health visit types with required tasks, resources to easily implement accurate documentation and make personalized preventive health recommendations, and an opportunity to test your knowledge.

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Are there any text books or other materials required for this course?

The entire training takes place online. There are no required textbooks or other materials.

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What are the minimum hardware/software requirements to access the online training?

To ensure the best possible experience with our online registration system, accessing online registration and course resources, and for the general administration of your account, please be sure your system meets the minimum requirements found here.

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Is there homework?

No homework is required. As part of the online training modules, you will be provided with additional online resources which you can access as needed. These are supplemental resources that you may find beneficial, but they are not required for course completion.

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