
Completed Research Studies

EMBARK VA: Exploring Massage Benefits in Arthritis of the Knee for VA Healthcare Users

(NIH/NCCAM funded) The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness and feasibility of an 8-week course of Swedish massage is for reducing pain and increasing function in adults who are VA health care users with osteoarthritis of the knee. You can view more information about this study at

Stress Reduction Training to Improve Sleep Quality, Stress Physiology, and Cardiovascular Disease Markers

(NIH/NCCAM funded) This study sought to better understand the potential value of reducing stress to ameliorate a cluster of biological and behavioral factors implicated in cardiovascular disease risk. These factors include psychological distress, poor sleep quality, and exaggerated physiological responses to emotional stress. Healthy participants took part in an eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course at Duke Medical Center.  You can view more information about the study at

GENErating Behavior Change, an Integrative Health Coaching and Genetic Risk Testing Pilot

(Duke funded) The purpose of this four-group, pilot randomized controlled trial was to test the feasibility and logistics of incorporating personalized genetic risk information and/or a health coaching intervention into standard coronary heart disease risk counseling in primary care at two Duke clinics. You can view more information about the study at

New Therapies for Patients With Severe Tinnitus

(NIH/NICD funded) The goal of this study was to determine if an integrative medicine approach which targets treatment of the non-auditory aspects of tinnitus suffering was more effective in alleviating tinnitus symptoms when added to current commonly applied SBE (sound based and education therapies), compared with SBE alone. You can view more information about the study at

AWARENESS: Mindfulness-based Personalized Health Planning for Reducing Risk Factors of Heart Disease and Diabetes

(NIH/NHLBI funded) This study compared the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based meditation intervention with personalized health planning for support and guided education in reducing psychological stress and blood sugar in pre-diabetic subjects. You can view more information about the study at

EMPOWER: Enhancing Maintenance for the Prevention Of Weight Regain

(NIH/NCCAM funded) This two-site randomized, controlled trial was conducted in collaboration with Michael Baime, MD at the University of Pennsylvania. It compared two innovative interventions for long-term maintenance of significant weight loss.

Brain Effects Related to Participation in a Weight Loss Maintenance Program

(NIH/NCCAM-funded) Also in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania, this study used functional MRI measures to test potential shifts in brain response to food and eating cues as a function of the EMPOWER interventions for a subset of the sample at the University of Pennsylvania site.

Adherence Starts with Knowledge: Phase II Diabetes Coaching Study

(GlaxoSmithKline funded) This randomized control trial examined the impact of six months of integrative health coaching on medication adherence and lifestyle change in a diabetic population.

Integrative Health Coaching and Positive Health Behavior: A Pilot Study with Undergraduates

(Funded by Duke IM, Student Health, and Student Affairs) This study tested the feasibility and efficacy of a health coaching intervention to existing student health issues.

Study on Integrative Medicine Treatment Approaches for Pain (SIMTAP)

(Bravewell Collaborative funded) This study observed the impact of an integrative approach on chronic pain and a number of other related patient-reported outcome measures. Paper was published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine in June 2013. You can access the article by following this link: Full-text Online Article

Innovative Models of Health Care Study: A Multifaceted Intervention to Reduce Cardiovascular Risks in High Risk Individuals

(North Carolina Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services funded) This randomized, controlled trial tested an integrative model of care delivered primarily by health coaches in comparison to usual care.
Primary paper published in Journal of General Internal Medicine, July 2006. You can access the article by following this link: Full-text Online Article

Meditation-Based Treatment for Binge Eating Disorder

(NIH Office of Women’s Health and NCCAM) In collaboration with Jean Kristeller, PhD and Virgil Sheets, PhD at Indiana State University, a mindfulness-based approach to improving Binge Eating Disorder was compared to both a standard psycho-education support intervention and a waiting-list group in a randomized clinical trial. The clinical model is described in Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches: Clinician’s Guide to Evidence Base and Applications (2006) and in the Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness (2008).

Mindfulness Meditation: Regulating Eating and Obesity

(NCCAM funded) Duke Integrative Medicine was involved in the first two years of this four year randomized, controlled trial evaluating the application of mindfulness techniques to behavioral weight loss in an obese sample. Duke Integrative Medicine was integral in the creation of the intervention and operations manuals. The trials were run and the data was collected by Jean Kristeller, PhD at Indiana State University.

Adherence Starts with Knowledge: Validation of the ASK Adherence Survey (Phase I)

(GlaxoSmithKline funded) In order to target effective adherence interventions, this study used pharmacy data claims to validate a brief paper and pencil measure in order to identify reasons patients may not take their medications as prescribed. The primary paper was published in Current Medical Research and Opinion in 2008.

Cliffs Integrative Health Immersion Project

(Privately funded) This outcomes study was conducted to establish the efficacy of the Duke Integrative Medicine Immersion program with follow-up coaching.

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